Long time no post
Well, I've been enjoying decorating for the holidays and loving being Santa!! S really *gets* Santa this year at 2.5 years old. He asks if Santa is bringing him more train tracks for Thomas or a new box of markers. It's so cute! When he realizes he wants something he tells me, "Mama, Daddy tell Santa, me want choo-choo track" I could literally eat him up when he does stuff like that!
DH is working his butt off right now so it's hard to find time to get out and about. I'll kill him in his sleep if he makes me miss one more girls' night. I've missed a wine tasting and crafting night in the last 2 weeks because of his job. Drives me NUTS I'll tell ya!! Luckily, he appreciates the fact that I don't bitch or whine at him when he calls from the office with some lame ass person on the phone ready to cry over a line in a contract. I just go on like nothing is happened. That gets to him more b/c I think he's ready for me to pull a Lizzie Borden on him being so calm. I do get out twice this week.
First for Night Out with my SAHM group. I will tell you that we have recently left the evil clutches of MOMS Club International!! They basically let us know that a dinner time playgroup that met from 4:30 to 6pm for members that had LATE WORKING HUBBIES, was taking us away from our families. HELLO . . we brought our children to the group!!!! Who else needed us at home?? Freddie the Frog needed a lettuce leaf at 5pm?? Whatever. They told our President that the decision to come to the group hindered our capability of being there for our husbands. Amazing how stupid they thought we were. Needless to say, we left and are now Moms For Moms!! I'm so happy that we did this.
I digress back to what I'm doing this week!! A few of us are hitting the malls and drinking before Christmas!! I'll be intoxicated with a credit card. Not a good combo, but I deserve some crazy time right now!!
So that is another reason I've been MIA on the blog. No DH to contain my child for me to type!!!
Yes, this is a knitting blog, so let's get to knitting.
Here's the big news:
So what other stuff have I been up to???
I finished a hat to match the scarf I made for J's oldest daughter. I combined Fantasy Natural with Fun Fur and it turned out to be a delightful little set. I'm so happy with the weight of the set. I thought it'd be a better spring set, but the two yarns really knit up tight and warm. I just have to get my butt to the post office tomorrow!!! Look how snuggly this is! I think a 6 year old would love this!
Now I've got a secret! I found the world's best natural wool yarn!! Here it is! This stuff is great! It knits like a dream and I had no problems with it at all. I will tell you also that I use a ball winder and swift for the first time on Saturday. The Eco Wool is over 450 yds so there is no way I could ever hand wind that stuff. I travelled to my LYS and they got the winder out. I'm in love and would leave R for this swift and winder!!! I love how the ball pulled to when I stitched up a watch cap for R. I didn't use a pattern and ended up with a great hat! I'm so proud that it fit.
Now I have my first cabling to do in a matching scarf!! Who knows when that'll get done!!! UGH!
That's all to report this time fellow knitters! Stay warm and keep on knittin'!!