Monday, July 09, 2007

STITCHES Confirmation this weekend!!

WOOHOO!!! I'm so freakin' excited I can barely contain myself. I'm trying to convince DH to come hom early on Friday so I can go to the market on Friday afternoon. The coolest thing is that I'm making it a girls weekend. Knitty Lynn and Jodi are going to STITCHES too for the weekend. I've also convinced a couple of friends (some knitting folk, some not) to come too!! We are staying free in a Hilton Hotel courtsey of my Hilton Honor Points!! All that fun for minimum cost in Chicago! I miss living there so dinner in the city will just make the weekend!!!
So we all have homework and need to get started soon!! I'll be 8months pregnant, but who care??? I've been saving my change since last September so I'll be able to increase my stash sizeably. DH is less than thrilled on that one!!! TOUGH!!!! =)